Monday, December 03, 2007

December 2007 projects!

We will be participating in the MSA's (Muslim Student Association) Toy Drive, as mentioned earlier!

We will be assisting by sitting at the tables and helping in the collection of toys and donations to the drive.

The shifts are as follows:

Monday, December 3rd
South Lobby (near the post office)

Tuesday, December 4th
South Lobby (near the post office)

Friday, December 7th
North Commons (near McDonald's)

Please email us at to let us know when you'd like to volunter!

Also, Project Volunteer will be participating in another service project...

The Christmas Store!

The Christmas Store is a place where low-income parents can come and buy their children inexpensive Christmas gifts!

We will be volunteering Saturday, December 15th at the Metropolitan United Methodist Church and will need 5-7 volunteers at each of the following times:

(gift wrapping, running and transport)


(mainly tear-down)

Please email us by Monday, December 10th, at to let us know if and when you'd like to participate!